This summer has been one of the busiest summers for us in a long while; since we have crammed so much in I'll share with you some of the highlights and when the dust settles I'll catch up on my posts. We started off June by celebrating Justin's 28th birthday! And I made an awesome cookie cake!

I made a tray table cover especially for all of the airplane travels we would have this summer. I love using it! It keeps all of Jj's toys and books handy and I don't have to keep searching in the bag the entire flight.
To break in our tray table cover we traveled to California to meet up with my Mom, and brothers Brian and Braeden while my Dad and Spencer were off gallivanting around Peru! (My mom said it was only fair since they were having so much fun)
While we were in California we took JJ to Disneyland, he really like it but will enjoy it more I. Just a little while.
We also went to the beach to soak up some sun.
We have enjoyed eating strawberries from our garden back home.
I was able to participate in a temple girls camp for our ward and it was wonderful! We dyed our own shirts and stayed up way too late with lots of sugar!
My car Roxy (all good cars need a name) hit 200,000 miles and is still going strong.
It really was that hot in Utah...
JJ discovered how awesome bath crayons are.
He is mastering the art of silverware, and asks for a "poon" every time he sits down to eat.
We watched fireworks from way too close!
Justin built an awesome fort for him and JJ to play in.
Sometimes all this kid does is eat... And sometimes he just runs around in a diaper.
They closed down the store I worked at in Midvale, and I transferred to the one downtown, I don't mind working there but parking sucks!
I made two adorable dolls for Jocelyn and Kayden (our nieces) for their birthdays, the turned out so amazing! I used this pattern and added a little of my own flair.
We took JJ to Petco for the first time, he had a blast looking at all of the animals especially the cats and fish.
JJ turned into our polka dotted little boy, he apparently had a virus that shows up as a rash. Which means he felt and acted fine he just had polka dots for a few days.
Justin's family had a reunion, JJ entered a pie eating contest... He didn't win but he sure made a mess!
Our next flying adventure was heading to Wyoming for a family reunion. JJ is becoming quite the pro at flying and I'm so grateful for how calm he can be.
I got to spend time with my goofy family in Wyoming
We got in touch with dirt and nature at the cabin.
We are famous! We were on a parade float in Cowley Days parade.
So far we have had so much fun! It's always hard to say goodbye to those you love but I'm grateful for all of the opportunities that we have and will have to visit family and friends this summer!